Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Library Time!

Hello All!

So I have been busy reading some pretty long books over the past few weeks. 

First off, I read my first Maeve Binchy novel Scarlet Feather.  When I was up in MI this summer, my mother-in-law and grandma-in-law were talking about how wonderful this author Maeve Binchy was and so I thought I have to read one of her novels.  Maeve Binchy actually passed away this summer, and so that is why they were talking about her so much.  She is an Irish author so all of her novels/stories are set in Ireland.  They have an Irish hint to them in the writing and words that are used and spoken by the characters.  This story in particular is about two friends who start a catering business together in Ireland and how their lives go through all these changes during one years time!  There is love, mystery, excitement and a lot of Irish banter  The story is a difficult read as the sentence structure and wording is a little different than what I am used to reading.  It also take a little bit to get into but I suggest it if you want a full circle story about life and the obstacles you overcome in it. 

The second book I read was one I was really pleased about that I tried.  It was a quick read and I got the recommendation actually from our local library.  The book is The Peach Keeper by Sarah Addison Allen.  It is a story about mystery and love and a crazy surprise at the end.  I don't really know how to describe it, but I promise it's worth the two days to read it!

Thirdly, my Halloween pick!  I actually ran into the sequel of this book first - started reading it - realized it was the sequel and went back to the library to get the original.  The book is A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness.  This book is awesome!  It's like a combination of Harry Potter and Twilight but for adults.  Just my kind of read!  It's about the lives of a vampire and a witch and how they intertwine through history and a certain manuscript that might be what describes how every magical creature came to be - witches, vampires, and daemons.  Random Fact:  Deborah has a award winning wine blog:  Good Wine Under $20.  Can't wait to start following this one!

Happy reading everyone!
xoxo Sarah

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