This past weekend, I went to visit one of my really good friends from college Megan in Minneapolis, MN! It was sooooo much fun!!! Friday night we went to this amazing Italian restaurant where we had gnocchi with pistachios and Gorgonzola. It was melt-in-your-mouth good! On Saturday, we did a little shopping in Uptown and then went to Maple Plain to visit the Mevissen household! We had sooo much fun and such great food! Then on Sunday - yes we did this- we spent the day at Mall of America - aka MOA!
It was just so great to catch up and be with Megan and reminisce about great times. I can't wait to see all my girls at the end of March when we get together up in Green Bay! Wish you were all there this past weekend but I will see you so soon!
Here are some pics below from the weekend...Enjoy!
xoxo Sarah
At Megan's apartment visiting with Kerri and Brian, visiting the Mevissen household (same day we found out Whitney Houston passed away - hence the sad faces!), and at the Mall of America! |
I think your blog is way cool.
I think your blog is way, way cool.