Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tea of the Week!

It's back!

I finally got to try some new teas on vacation and one was actually homemade and can't wait to tell you about it!

Have you ever been driving down the freeway and seen plants that like like these:
Source: Here
The above plant is called Red Sumac.  And this plant makes an amazing tea.   All you have to do is pluck one of the red seeds and place it in water until it boils.  Once it boils, let it seep for an hour.  After that, strain it through a coffee filter into a pitcher and serve it cold.  Take a look below at our boiling sumac:

Here is a little bit more information on the red sumac plant and the antioxidants it produces:,193,145164-240199,00.html

You would be surprised at the number of natural resources that are out there for you to try - as teas, food and even household remedies!

Yeah for Red Sumac!
xoxo Sarah

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